Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Been a While

Yikes, twenty days and no posts, Maurice is slacking off.

Reality is, I am in the middle of a lot of stuff, and blogging will have to take a back seat. Personal and professional life have both ramped up, and I am sitting for a professional exam mid Dec, so it is taking a lot of time. Alas, Blogging will be much less.

A couple of things.

Greece. Ahh, to swim the wine dark sea. I was going to write a host of posts, till I realized that mostly it was just wonderful, and unfortunately the best stories are of fiascos. The only fiasco was the day before we left. My knee was bugging me the week before, probably an athletic injury. Went to see the doc, who prescribed Advill and ice. But to be safe, he had an xray done.

Well, the Friday before we leave I get a letter from the doc asking me to get a follow-up, as they "saw something". Of course, the office was closed, so I had to wait till Monday to call them.

"Probably nothing, but worst case bone cancer".

Holy shit batman.

So I go in, and the radiological both plays coy and keeps having me take several x rays. I am getting very, very anxious, and clearly she does not want to tell me squat. After repeating five times that I am leaving for my honeymoon in the morning, she finally relents and tells me that there is nothing, that I just have unusually dense bones.


So there is my super power. I am Super Dense! I will stomp all evil doers with my super dense legs and bring justice to the world.

Other than that, all is well.


Blogger The Lily said...


Dense bones!

Whooda thought?

6:39 PM  

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