Monday, February 28, 2005

Monday At The Salt Mine

Sorry I have not posted much of late, new responsibilities at work have vacuumed up some free time, new home projects the rest.

The countdown to the wedding goes apace, invitations were addressed last night. We are a go, Houston, t minus 69 days and counting. The big question in my mind is, "what's next?" Both of us have put some career and life decisions on hold, actions that were on the list to be addressed when we met a year ago. It is pretty clear that kids are in the future, this will be my third family, and that is fine with me. Deeper questions are around job and where the heck we want to live.

Before I met Fiancee, I was actively engaged in finding a big chunk of property in the middle of nowhere, I was going to build my vacation home and live in a studio in the bay, ultimately I was going to retreat to the wilderness (or a good approximation thereof). She was heading to suburbia in Marin. Well, now we need to decide what works for us as a couple. No big worries, just time to start thinking now that the wedding is under control.

I love this woman. She is such a treat after years, no, decades of high maintenance, high anxiety, impossible women who seemed to want desperately in the moment but never knew what it was they really wanted. We communicate, we crack each other up, we have the hots for each other and respect each other. We make space to be together and space to be our separate selves.


What more can you ask for?

Ok, off to work, by midweek I will have some good stuff.

AJ, if you are reading this, GOOD LUCK!


Blogger New Girl said...

Just reading about how much you love her and the comprimise and your openess put a HUGE smile on my face.

3:23 PM  
Blogger M said...

Maurice, you are one lucky guy!

9:45 PM  

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