Random Walk Thursday
I am convinced that someone at work is surfing porn sites.
We are a small company, almost all men. In fact there is only one woman and she is someone's cousin. We did have one other gal here before in marketing, she was a knockout. Late 20 something that came to work every other day in low rider jeans, purple and pink thong and too tight top. The Beautiful Bringer of Painful Woodys. Damn, we miss her.
Anyway, the email system is getting slammed with spam that promises pictures of girls in all kinds of compromising positions with guys, other girls and farm animals. Either that or cheap viagra. It is getting a bit ridiculous, if this were a bigger firm someone would be getting their HR ass kicked. As it is.....
Farm animals??? Holy Bo Peep, Batman.
Actually this is a unique work environment. We all work like demons, but also have lots of control over our work and personal lives...Lots of expectations and responsibilities but very few rules. I have time to blog at work, and I can expect to be on conference call tonight at midnight for a while, and all is well with the world. Really not complaining, but if we ever start to grow, we need better spam filters.
Average Joe had a great post on the big O, female version. I wanted to add one to the list
8. The religious: "Oh God, Ohhh Godd, OOOOOHHHHH GODDDDDD! "and your face gets a warm soaking. " ohhhh, lord, ohhhh lord, ohhhhhhhhhhh....."
I am waiting for one of the women to post the male orgasm list. Come on girls, tell us what we are like. Inquiring minds want to know.
Fiancee and I are on the every night program this week. She is not the freakiest girl ever, but very fun and consistent. That, and I get the full boatload of love and affection. One unfortunate aspect of this is that it makes my blog a bit, well, pedestrian compared to others. Really good married or almost married sex makes for a great life, but not great reading. Oh well, I guess I will just stick to cyber pop philosophy and esoteric history.
Average Joe also blogs today about the fuckwit response by his present company to his resignation. Yes, it is amazing just how inept most corporate management structures are when it comes to people, or just about anything else. In the end, taking better care of your people is a lot cheaper than scrambling to replace and re-train said replacement. The Fiancee is Human Resources at a Very Big Company ( just changed over from a different Very Big Company). When you put her experiences together with mine, it becomes clear that the fuckwittage factor is very high across the board. I should analyze this sometime, but for today I just hope AJ is getting in his laughs at their expense.
So I am at a cross roads, not exactly sure what to blog about. Therefore, in the grand corporate tradition of acquiring market feedback, I will ask you, the reading public, to indicate with comments which of the following I should put pen to paper: (or fingers to keys)
1. The Saga of my Big First and Only Affair
2. Follies in Internet Dating
3. A Saga of the Sea.
4. The Story of my Dot Comm Bomb.
Comments anyone?
We are a small company, almost all men. In fact there is only one woman and she is someone's cousin. We did have one other gal here before in marketing, she was a knockout. Late 20 something that came to work every other day in low rider jeans, purple and pink thong and too tight top. The Beautiful Bringer of Painful Woodys. Damn, we miss her.
Anyway, the email system is getting slammed with spam that promises pictures of girls in all kinds of compromising positions with guys, other girls and farm animals. Either that or cheap viagra. It is getting a bit ridiculous, if this were a bigger firm someone would be getting their HR ass kicked. As it is.....
Farm animals??? Holy Bo Peep, Batman.
Actually this is a unique work environment. We all work like demons, but also have lots of control over our work and personal lives...Lots of expectations and responsibilities but very few rules. I have time to blog at work, and I can expect to be on conference call tonight at midnight for a while, and all is well with the world. Really not complaining, but if we ever start to grow, we need better spam filters.
Average Joe had a great post on the big O, female version. I wanted to add one to the list
8. The religious: "Oh God, Ohhh Godd, OOOOOHHHHH GODDDDDD! "and your face gets a warm soaking. " ohhhh, lord, ohhhh lord, ohhhhhhhhhhh....."
I am waiting for one of the women to post the male orgasm list. Come on girls, tell us what we are like. Inquiring minds want to know.
Fiancee and I are on the every night program this week. She is not the freakiest girl ever, but very fun and consistent. That, and I get the full boatload of love and affection. One unfortunate aspect of this is that it makes my blog a bit, well, pedestrian compared to others. Really good married or almost married sex makes for a great life, but not great reading. Oh well, I guess I will just stick to cyber pop philosophy and esoteric history.
Average Joe also blogs today about the fuckwit response by his present company to his resignation. Yes, it is amazing just how inept most corporate management structures are when it comes to people, or just about anything else. In the end, taking better care of your people is a lot cheaper than scrambling to replace and re-train said replacement. The Fiancee is Human Resources at a Very Big Company ( just changed over from a different Very Big Company). When you put her experiences together with mine, it becomes clear that the fuckwittage factor is very high across the board. I should analyze this sometime, but for today I just hope AJ is getting in his laughs at their expense.
So I am at a cross roads, not exactly sure what to blog about. Therefore, in the grand corporate tradition of acquiring market feedback, I will ask you, the reading public, to indicate with comments which of the following I should put pen to paper: (or fingers to keys)
1. The Saga of my Big First and Only Affair
2. Follies in Internet Dating
3. A Saga of the Sea.
4. The Story of my Dot Comm Bomb.
Comments anyone?
Um, Maurice. . .what do you think I am going to pick!?!?!?
My preference, in order:
A Saga of the Sea? Awesome.
Follies in Internet Dating? Been there, so I know there are some fantastic stories.
Big First and Only Affair? Affairs are always great fodder.
The Dot Com Bomb? Ugh. A topic we Silicon Valleyites are all too familiar with, but man, the tales of excess are fantastic.
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