Thursday, June 15, 2006


Long time, no post.

All is well, Wife is progressing well down the road of pregnancy, going to be a little girl. Son is out of the house and getting some life lessons, the kind that will not really hurt him but will make him start to think and take some better decisions. Work is fine, I am keeping the weight off and we are house hunting in a down market, which is a lot more fun than doing it in an up market.

So, not much reason to blog..Hence the long hiatus.

I did get a nasty email from my Ex's Fiance. That was mostly amusing. His soon to be wife likes sexual banter, tosses it at everyone..And of course she has poor impulse control. Usually I just let it pass, but in an email three weeks ago I pitched it back at her, not really even thinking about it much.

Then I get this very nasty and somewhat threatening email from him, followed by a frantic call from the ex pleading tolerance from me and describing somewhat the drama occurring as a result of said banter. Seems that the fiance has some real trust and abandonment issues. Suprising, since he has been billed to me as this evolved, liberal, compassionate type. Silly, since in reality his actions were very schoolgirlish... In tone and approach, something I would expect from my 17 year old daughter. I let it drop and have not seen or heard from the guy since, he seems to be going out of his way to avoid me.

More later.


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