Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Downside of Thin

So, back in January, my doctor decided that it was time for a physical, and of course, time to give Maurice a bit of a scare. Ran me thru the blood workup, bottom line was that my cholesterol numbers sucked the major big one and my glucose numbers pointed to me being "pre diabetic". At risk squared. Now, I was in pretty good shape, and I have build up a fair amount of muscle mass thanks to the gym. Still, I was carrying too much weight.

Being the can do kind of guy I am, I purged the diet of the usual bad actors and shifted to very complex carbs..which is a nice way of saying I am eating cooked grain and Chana (a green Indian chick pea), salad like a rabbit and lean protein. Two months later I am down 20 lbs from my January weight and 30 from my peak of two years ago. I feel better, I run better and wife is digging the skinny husband.

Have not checked the numbers yet, but I am pretty sure the doc will be pleased.

The only bad side effect is that I now seem to have a bit of insomnia. Nothing too bad, but the past two weeks I have been getting up at 1:00 am and staying up till 3:30 am. This plays merry hell with my schedule and leaves me fighting to get out of bed in the morning.

Does this mean that the fat sleep the sleep of the just? Or is it that us thin guys are naturally sinners?

Strangely, the ex seems to have the same problem. She always had a great figure, but when I was married to her she was carrying a bit more weight, both muscle and some extra lbs on the ass (it was, however, a great ass.) The woman was in bed every night by 9 pm and asleep thirty minutes later. Sometimes it was the drinking, but not always.

Since rehab she has become a fitness fiend and a weight Hun. Not quite anerxoic, but damn close, and the Daughter tells me that she is up every night late prowling around, doing art but mostly puttering. I suspect she cannot sleep, and I wonder if the downside of thin, when you are in your second half of life, is an inability to sleep.

Maybe there is a reason why we think of the fat as jolly.

Tonight I am trying physical exhaustion. After work and before dinner I ran three miles and then spent and hour with the swords. I came up here to get some work done, but I feel tired and that gives me hope. I will let you in on the results in the next post.

Wife's pregnancy is coming along quite nicely. Feeling sick has progressed to just feeling tired. Once we are past the first trimester, I think she will feel fine. As to be expected, the only downside to this period is a sharp drop in our sex life. I am pretty sure it will return when second trimester dawns on us.

Funny, ten years ago that part would have bothered me more than it does. I am older, and frankly the fires burn just a bit lower than they did. That, and knowing the drill brings you understanding. I know that this will happen, and I also know that it will pass, and change and change again. No reason to get all worked up.

Hmm, men, women and sex. A much more interesting topic. I will have to explore it in my next post.


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