Monday, March 27, 2006

Vengeance Comes in Many Forms

I work very hard to remain evolved, clear and centered in life, eschewing behaviors that are controlling, dishonest, petty or vengeful. It is a smart policy, karma or no, focusing on the dark side in the end damages everyone, and the collateral damage is hard to predict.

However, I did back slip this weekend.

The ex is a very high strung piece of work, irritable and easily annoyed. She likes things just so. She has very little tolerance for things that do not fit into one of her narrow windows.

Daughter wants to play an instrument. Seems that the school she is at really pushes that and has a great music enrichment program. Ex wanted daughter to learn the cello.

Daughter has her sights set on the trumpet. She started taking the lessons, but ex told her she would not get her an instrument and has tried to put major roadblocks up. Basically dead set against the trumpet.

So this weekend, I went out and rented a trumpet for Daughter. She is delighted, practiced all weekend, made noise, killed a few toads with the sound.

Dropped off Daughter at school this morning, suitcase, backpack and trumpet.

Sorry to say team, as I write I am smiling.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

New Toys

Hi Fans.

Just a quick post. Bought a new sword.

Lion Sword, Ming dynasty, Folded steel. It is from the most famous living Chinese sword maker. Razor sharp, light and deadly.

I love my toys.

Not much to report. Wife is fine. Ex is nuts. Girls are doing great, son is driving me nuts.

Hope all of you are well. Kayten, if you are reading this, may this weekend bring you love, fun, comfort and hot wet fumblididdles.

Oh, and lots of good ice cream!

Friday, March 17, 2006

On the Friday Glide Path

In my last two jobs, Friday was always the crisis day. Usually, it got started by customers and staff types finally getting to their clean up work, finding issues and igniting a cascade of action items on everyone else, usually done in a way to make it all critical for completion prior to COB..which was then extended to first thing Monday morning. Weekend wrecking seemed to be a favorite past time. Three jobs ago I sucked it up. My previous job I and my people would deal with the real customer type crisis and force defer the rest to the next week. It made for some interesting situations.

The Mega Startup that was the last job had a lot of consultant types, adept at the nuances of office politics, sibling style one-upsmanship and nasty ass back stabbing. In that kind of environment, the Friday Follies becomes a favorite, and threatened to ruin many a weekend. My approach there was simple, the first time it happend I pulled the CTO and my boss into a room, confronted them and told them I was too old for that kind of bull crap and to knock it off.

Suprisingly, it worked.

This job had a lot of that for the first few years, again customer driven, but four years and hard work and we have things pretty much under control. Hence, Friday afternoon is the glide day, when Maurice gets to focus on real work as opposed to meetings and flaps.

Wife is off to a Baby shower in Tahoe this weekend. I am getting Daughter tomorrow evening, so most of the day Saturday will be focused on a few projects that I have of my own. That and a long run and some time well spent with the weapons.

I must say I am looking forward to the time spent with me.

Ok, one more observation on relationships, pursuant to yesterday.

We make them a hell of a lot harder than they need to be.

Ya know, wife and I take things pretty much in stride. We face the same things I faced in my previous marriages ( and she in her previous relationships), but we just do not let it get out of hand. Result? Given the same set of issues and challenges (and succeses and fun) we remain happy and in love.

So here is another truth about relationships. They can be hard work, but only as hard as you make them.

Think about it.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Holy Moley, A Whole Quarter Without a Post!

Man, either I am a slack dog, or very happy...

Or very busy.

Survey says... All three.

Well, the big news around here is that the Wife is pregnant. Yes fans, once again, for the fourth time and with a third woman, Maurice is being fruitful and multiplying. As my good friend Mike says, I am hell bent on getting my genes into the next generation.

Wife is happy and throwing up. I am happy and a bit bemused. I knew that this was part of the deal when we met, and made my decisions long ago. Kids are a blessing, and apparently to be a constant theme in my life. What the hell, no one can ever say I did not live my life... And munchkins have a way of putting every one and every thing into perspective, keeping you young and avoiding your becoming a selfish prick.

I think I stopped posting here because I had run out of interesting things to say. Most of the relationship blog circuit is driven by newly wounded people with their hair on fire, or by sexual adventurers, or by searchers trying to make sense of their own relationships and lives. Nothing wrong with that, I think it is one of the most important uses of the blogsphere. This can be one giant, self moderated group therapy session, with the added benefit of journaling. Blogs are the great self help twofer.

My problem is that I really have moved on. I am married to a sane woman who loves me and I love her. We are different and similar, complementary in many ways. We are blissfully light on baggage and almost devoid of drama. Also, we both seem to be past the point where we need drama in our lives. No one is secretly yearning for a 20 year old bimbo cumslut or a platoon of 9 inch cocks or feeling the need to JUST FUCK THINGS UP FOR THE HELL OF IT!

As opposed to my lovely ex wife.

I continue to hear rumors of other people's dramas. My ex wife's brother is about to have his clock cleaned by his soon to be ex wife. Seems now that the kids have grown up he is to blame for her not perusing her career, so she is off to Paris to find her professional self. She has been going to France for years now on his nickel and I suspect that she has a boyfriend over there.

Another old friend, a very well off eye doctor is also being cleaned out by his now ex wife, aided and abetted by her lawyer's close relationship with the family court judge.

It used to be that men turned 40, started boffing the 25 year old secretary and left the wife and kids for a life of excitement with the new hottie. We called these men slimeballs.

Now, it seems that the pattern is just as often for the wife to leave the husband, clean him out and start over with a new guy, typically some bad boy loser that is more than happy to power fuck an older woman with a big bank account.

What do we call them?

Without becoming cynical, I have come to seriously question relationships in general. What the hell is going on here anyway? Clearly it is one part not wanting to be alone, one part biological need to procreate, one part feeling like a loser when you are the only one without a date. Probably a lot of other parts, too. For me it became clear that I was not ment to live alone and I was lucky enough to find someone that fit me well, and perhaps had grown enough to understand what that meant.

But I have to say, I would have a hard time recommending this path to anyone that asks. Lonely? Join a club, get involved in a church. Horny? Hookers are a great service. Want kids? Hey, come over and borrow mine for a few weeks, it may just cure you. :-)

Looking for the one? Talk to Morpheus.

I will say this. If you are reading this, and thinking of having a relationship with someone, think about what it is that attracts you.

Is it beauty? Money? badass attitude? The way they make you itch?

If so,

Think again.