Tuesday, May 31, 2005

..And they lived happily ever after.

Does anyone really?

I think maybe this time, I just might lay claim to that particularly fairy tale ending.

Fiance and I spent the weekend together sans kids. Friday night was an indie movie, Saturday was the Giants game, Sunday was a very long hike and a housewarming party at our friend's condo in the city. Monday we returned excess wedding gifts for store credit, did some work around the house while my son, the Master Jedi of the BBQ, prepared some scrumptious ribs. We had plenty of exercise, good wine, naps and hot sex. We also mapped out our near term life plan, which mostly involves having a fun summer, staying on in this house for one more year and going to Belize for our honeymoon in September.

We are also starting to map out some ideas for the rest of our life, which seems to include potential job changes for both of us, maybe a move to a smaller town where we can buy more house and spend more time in nature and less in traffic. The question of kids came up, though not the way I expected. As my readers know, I already have three, a son and two daughters, so I am not in need of any more. However, I realized pretty early on that the decision to cleave to a 37 year old woman who had never had kids and generally loves them was a decision to have more, and I am fully expecting a third family.

Strangely, the Fiance seems a bit conflicted on that account, both wanting a baby and not so sure that she wants the 20 year commitment that having a baby entails. Right now we only have my youngest every other weekend, and the two oldest at holidays (my son is soon off to his mom's and then the service). She has a pretty clear idea from those weekends that we have her the impact that a child can have on your life. My guess is that she will waver for a bit and then come to a decision one way or another in the next year, and I am fine either way.

I no longer think much about my ex, at least not for myself. I continue to have to deal with her, and do so on a friendly basis. She is and remains a bit of a loon, and some of her decisions are annoying, but she no longer inhabits the dusty, dank corners of my dreams or of my formerly broken heart.

Suprisingly, all the iinsanity seems finally, dare I say it?



Fiance and I will be spending a life together, probably we have 40 years or so, depending, though I more than anyone know just how much that kind of projection is an illusion. We will have joy and sorrow, victory and defeat, excitement and boredom. But we will have it together, and though it will not all be happiness, we will be happy together.

For ever after.

And so, this blog will shift. Enough about my drama, there are larger themes to explore that in the end must be more interesting. From time to time I am happy to fill you in on the doings of a happily thrice married man, but I cannot believe that it would be that engaging. Happy, sober, real life is often makes very boring reading and pedantic art. I think that rather I will stimulate you with ideas, instruct you with thought and entertain you with stories.

Where to start.... Well there once was this girl named Val.....



Blogger New Girl said...

I think I may remember mention of a Val. . .

hmmm, I'll wait and see.

Glad to hear that life is "boring reading and pedantic art."


8:48 PM  

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