Monday, January 03, 2005

Welcome 2005

Today started off, strange as usual. As my fiance' tells me, I have a very complicated personal life. She's right about that, though it was never part of the plan. Sometimes I stand outside of myself and can only feel amusement at what transpires.

This morning, the wake up call came very early when my friendly south Asian operations group sent me email after email to that most wonderful and terrible of possessions, the BlackBerry. I left it on alert and was roused to the music of it's warning vibrator, like some mutant bumblebee in an epileptic fit. Nothing of real import, but once the eyes open post 6:00 am, I am up for the duration.

Rousted the girls, the younger from my second marriage, the older from my first. Christmas break is over, and it is time for everyone to head home. The younger first, off across the bay to her school and her mom's home, the older in a few hours, back to the Midwest and her regularly scheduled life of high school and gymnastics. Breakfast, coffee and the drive, got the younger to class with time to explain to the teacher that her Christmas break project was incomplete (turns out that I learned about that from her mom the night before). Thankfully, once again, younger girl's mom was confused and the project is due next Monday. Talked to teacher, Nice lady, not the Atilla the Hun's grandmother that I was expecting.

Now it is time to take the older girl home for some final father daughter time before her plane. One short interlude, the mom of the younger ( hence forth known as, "mom the younger") calls to have a chat, about kids, life, etc etc.. Somewhere in there we get to talking about my upcoming wedding, and I casually point out that we will need both girls a week early, since " the girls will be running around with the fiance' preparing for the wedding". At this point, my ex states "what about me? I'm a girl, I want to run around too!" I say, half laughing, "you want to be part of this?" and she says " yes! Well why not!?"


FYI, this was the woman who just three years ago, out of the blue informed me that a. she did not love me b. Did not want to be around me c. had not loved me for years ( all the I love yous and letters to the contrary, not withstanding) . That was the nice things she had to say. I also think that somewhere in there a jilted wife called me to enlighten me on the nature of her husband and my ex wife's relationship. It took her exactly two weeks to go from "I LOVE YOU" to "I AM THROUGH WITH YOU" and three days after that to file for divorce. I was, how shall we put it? Taken out with the garbage.

Now she wants to be a bridesmaid, like nothing ever happened. My kids from the first marriage, they can barely stand her, and frankly if the whole story be told you could not blame them. I found a deft way to let that one pass. I do that a lot, find deft ways to avoid saying "WHAT ARE YOU, EFFEN NUTS!!!!"

And for those women out there that are starting to score it out: No, I did not have an affair, yes I was home every night, yes I was employed and supporting everyone, and yes, I used tongue with a gusto and made sure that she never lacked for orgasms. And no, I did not gain 50 lbs. Matter of fact, I am in better shape now than twenty years ago.

And yes, I was shocked, surprised and heartbroken.

Oh, and for the record, the fiance' is smarter, prettier, younger and has better breasts.

Go figure.

I can only point to this sequence of thoughts and draw the following conclusions:

1. You never really know anyone as well as you think.
2. You really have no idea what the future brings. Control is an illusion you are better without. Same with expecting things to make sense.
3. People do a lot of things for reasons that are not your reasons.
4. Sometimes, things work out anyway.

I also can say that, tempting as it may be, try to avoid having your ex wife as a bridesmaid.

So that was today. I am happy to report that both daughters are back with there respective mothers, and my son is happily ensconced in his upstairs room until next semester starts, and all is well with the world. The last couple of years have been Mr Toad's wild ride, going from "The Great Train Wreck" to " Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" to finally " Redemption".

Welcome 2005!


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